KURZ Code of Conduct

our social compliance

Codes of conduct of the KURZ Group

A Code of Conduct (PDF 216,0 kB) is a set of behaviors that can and should be exhibited in a wide variety of circumstances and contexts, and which take into consideration the particular situation.

Developments that have made the creation of a 'Code of Conduct' necessary:

  • The increasing globalization of the markets
  • The international division of labor, growing exchange of goods, and rising global competition
  • Society's changing expectations on companies
  • Companies are expected to be conscious of their social responsibility towards to the environment, employees and the overall economic cycle
  • Adherence to social standards has become a matter of great interest
  • The denunciation of companies that violate basic social prerequisites such as ethics and morals

The company KURZ, having regard to its social responsibility, has developed its own Code of Conduct that sets clear standards in regard to integrity and proper business conduct, while combining entrepreneurship and ethical principles.

We therefore guarantee to both our customers and suppliers, as well as the public, government agencies and authorities, our adherence to the following international codes of conduct:

  • the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • the UNO Declaration of Human Rights
  • the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies
  • Agenda 21